HCP Black

A multi-strategy fund that balances risk with alternative investments
Description of the fund

Protect against risk with  active diversification.

The HCP Black fund seeks the best risk-adjusted return and offers a solution for long-term investing and wealth building. The fund aims to provide good and stable returns with a moderate level of risk.
Returns are net returns (returns after fees).
The value on the last business day of the month is the preliminary value.
The fund's strategy is based on genuine and active diversification. Market and investment analysis is used to identify profitable investment opportunities that are as independent of each other as possible. Genuine diversification provides protection against risk without reducing the expected level of return. The fund's investment timing tactics are simple: non-cyclical investments are sold during cyclical booms and the cash freed up from sales is used to buy cyclical investments.
Distribution of the fund

Portfolio management team

Tommi Kemppainen

Portfolio Manager


+358 40 73 111 73

Toivo Toikka



+358 50 5603004

Pasi Havia

Deputy portfolio manager


+358 9 689 88 481

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HCP Black mediassa
For ten years, HCP Black has achieved an annual return of 4%, with a volatility of 4%.
Sijoitustieto, 03/2020
The vast majority of the HCP Black fund is invested in assets that are currently sheltered from the difficult economic climate.
Kauppalehti 10/2019
The second best hedge performer was HCP Black, whose gold placements hit the target.
Kauppalehti, 01/2020

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