Make a fund subscription

By subscribing, you also have access to the expert services of HCP professionals. HCP funds are open for subscription four times a year: in March, June, September and December. The subscription date is the last banking day of these months. The money moves into the funds on subscription dates.

In 2025, the subscription dates for the funds are 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December.

Subscription accounts
HCP Black  IBAN: FI8333010001129972
HCP Bricks IBAN: FI5133010001168087
HCP Focus IBAN: FI1033010001137397
HCP Quant IBAN: FI9833010001142215

If you don't have Finnish, Swedish or Danish person ID please contact for subscribing.
For private investorsFor legal entitiesAthlete fundFor existing customers

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